The Honey Bee class at Osbournby Primary is a mixed Year 1 & 2 class. We teach maths & writing and phonics in the morning & the creative curriculum in the afternoon, which covers all of the other subjects: science, computing, art & DT, PE, RE, music, history, geography, PSHE & citizenship, under the umbrella of the class topic.
Initially phonics is taught in small groups using our own school program that is based upon 'Little Wandle Letters & Sound Revised' before they move on to learning spelling patterns and rules.
Our reading scheme is carefully matched to our phonics teaching. Children are encouraged to read daily and develop their reading skills thorough a combination of individual reading, small group reading and whole class reading lessons.
Our timetable allows for a range of activities, which keep the children involved & interested - learning social skills as well as physical & cognitive skills.
The class has and interactive board, PCs, & the use of laptops and iPads. A role play area is part of the classroom and interactive English, Maths and Spelling displays are available for the children. We have a well stocked reading area and a role play area that changes throughout the year.