Osbournby Primary School Governing Body
Osbournby Primary School’s Governing Body is a group of volunteers from a variety of backgrounds who live or work in our community. They bring a range of knowledge, skills and experience to help to steer the strategic direction of our school and hold school leaders to account.
Our Governors work together to carry out their core functions:
1. ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
2. holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
3. overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
At Osbournby Primary school recognises the following as the fourth core function of governance:
4. ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard
Our Governing body also ensure that the governing body complies with all legal and statutory requirements.
At Osbournby Primary School we use a circular model of Governance. Within the circle model the board works collectively as a ‘whole team’, meeting at least six times per year, usually once in each term, without any separate committees. An annual planner and agenda for each meeting includes all the tasks which the board is required to consider, and the board may ‘commission’ assignments or activities arising from the business of the meeting.
If you would like more information about the Governors and their role, or are interested in becoming a governor in the future, please contact the Clerk to Governors.
The clerk to the Governing Body, Mrs Laura Davies, can be contacted via the school office 01529 455375.
Osbournby Primary School – Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities 2023-24
Name of Governor | Position | Responsible for | Appointed | Expected Retirement | Declared Interest | Attendance Sept 2022-2023 | KCSIE 2023 Confirmed as read |
Paul Norton | Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor | Health and Safety School visits HT Appraisal | 16/09/19 | 15/9/23 | None | 4/6 | Yes |
Amy Butler | Vice Chair of Governors LA Governor | Safeguarding Attendance Staff wellbeing HT Appraisal | 31/01/22 | 30/01/26 | None | 6/6 | Yes |
Heather Bide | Headteacher |
| 03/01/22 |
| None | 6/6 | Yes |
Bethany Marshall | Staff Governor | Training | 20/01/22 | 19/01/26 | None | 6/6 | Yes |
James England | Co-opted Governor | Pupil Premium Behaviour E-Safety/ICT | 06/05/20 | 05/05/24 | Yes | 4/6 | Yes |
Samantha Wilson | Parent Governor | EYFS
| 27/01/22 | 26/01/25 | None | 4/6 | Yes |
Paula Pederson | Parent Governor | SEND Curriculum | 27/03/22 | 26/03/26 | None | 5/6 | Yes |
Emma Garley | Co-opted Governor | Finance Curriculum | None | 1/4 | Yes |